Sunday, February 21, 2010

cruising with the bellas 3

out and about in london

don't buy unless you try!

urban warrior!

window shopping in shoreditch

david adje's 'dirty house', shoreditch

freezing in bedford square-note pinarello fixie!

coat in a bag at the AA!


that's one evil eye!

Friday, February 19, 2010

he's back!!

pleased to report that monty is back [or one of his siblings-hard to tell!]
this is sophie's pic from xmas time, but nothing has changed!

so hip it hurts......

"..... at the art opening, he'd been convinced the blank canvas symbolised endless possibilities.
back at home, it was just one more reminder of his own desperation"

is this the end of the eames/modernist revival, or will the cynics be won over in the end?

see here

Thursday, February 4, 2010

corbu 2

la tourette. unfortunately under renovation so we couldn't get into the interior spaces or the chapel.
see also here

corbu 1

st pierre de firminy

see also here

outside from the stadium




maison de la culture

on the road , with snow

see also here

cruising with the bellas 2

van doesburg and the de stijl crowd at tate modern and lunch at borough market

ever photogenic!

fussy ugli fruit!

say cheese!

killer dead mickey!!

cruising with the bellas 1

house hunting in hackney

crazy pushy mummy place
more babies per square foot than anywhere else i've ever seen